How To Uninstall iSpyoo Spy App?

For Android devices:

To uninstall iSpyoo Spy App from the target device, we have 2 cases:

  1. In case you can keep the target device in your hand

– If you have iSpyoo Spy App versions >= 7.3 (since it supports Auto Answer for Android), you must deactivate Device admin in session Settings/More/Security. If you have an older version, you can go to the next step.

– Go to Settings/More/Security and tap on Application Manager and click System Service to uninstall.

  1. In case you want to uninstall iSpyoo Spy App remotely.

– Login with your account at user control panel

– Go to menu Settings on the top right, and click Uninstall menu

– It displays password form, and please enter your password to confirm you want to uninstall remotely.

– Click button Uninstall Remotely, and it will uninstall iSpyoo Spy App from the target device with some minutes (until it meets next synchronize time).

For iOS devices:

To uninstall iSpyoo Spy App from the target device, we have 2 cases:

  1. In case you can keep the target device in your hand

 Step 1: Remove package iSpyoo Spy App: Launch Cydia application, and go to Manage->Package and find package iSpyoo Spy App. Some times it shows as iSpyoo (iOS 7)iSpyoo (3GS/4/4S/5S/5C). Tap on it and tap Modify and then tap Remove.

 Step 2: Remove Cydia source: Tap session Manage on Cydia and tap Sources, find source ( Delete that source.

  1. In case you want to uninstall iSpyoo Spy App remotely.

– Login with your account at user control panel

– Go to menu Settings on the top right, and click Uninstall menu

– It displays the password form. Please enter your password to confirm you want to uninstall remotely.

– Click button Uninstall Remotely, and it will uninstall iSpyoo Spy App from the target device with some minutes (until it meets next synchronize time).